Bank of America has a nice program called Museums On Us. It provides BofA debit card holders free entry to participating museums, zoos, science center, botanical gardens, etc. the first full weekend of every month. The offer is limited to the cardholder although some musems may throw in the entire family.
I checked a list of participating museums in the Boston-area and found several that looked interesting. For example, general admission to the Museum of Fine Arts is $20.00 per adult. Using a Bank of America debit card could save at least $40 if two adults go and both have debit cards.
Bank of America doesn't really have a debit card rewards program but instead has its Keep the Change program where debit card purchases are rounded to the nearest dollar and the difference is deposited into a savings account. If you are a museum-goer, then the Musems On Us program is a nice addition.
February 05, 2010
First, museums that receive any sort of public support, including tax advantages, should be free. Second, Bank of America receives government support and shouldn't be using it to give its customers preferential museum access.
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Sam Cass
February 05, 2010
"First, museums that receive any sort of public support, including tax advantages, should be free."
Then how do you propose the museums pay for their upkeep and operation? Do you want the government to socialize all of the museums? By your logic, college tuition should be free also.
I'm not sure what government support has to do with this program. The bank has been doing it for many years. It's an old Fleet Bank program.
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